What projects do you want to accomplish this year? Do you have a photo project that has been on your mind but are feeling overwhelmed? Tackling your photos doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Here are a few tips to help you enjoy your photos and the memories that they bring us.
Make a plan
What do you want to accomplish? Here are some of the common projects:
Gathering all of your digital photos from your multiple devices and create a digital photo hub. (Having all of your photos in one place)
Sorting through those old prints photos and having them scanned and added to your digital collection.
Creating a photo book highlighting the events of 2018.
Having your VHS or Super8 films converted into digital format so that you can view them again.
Which project do you want to start first? Next, break the project down into smaller sections allowing you to accomplish smaller goals.
Allow yourself time
It will take time to complete you project, book yourself a block of time in our calendar on a regular basis.
Start with Today
I suggest starting with today and move backwards through the years. Working with your most recent pictures is easier as you will remember the details more clearly. Once you have 2018 cleaned up move backwards in time. It becomes simpler to piece the puzzle together.
Backup, Backup, Backup
Remember that a good back up is key. Three copies, on three different devices, in two separate locations. Don’t take the risk of losing all of your photos.
Celebrate your accomplishments
Don’t forget to celebrate the small successes along the way and remember to share the stories!